
Get a license, learn Morse Code and

enjoy ham radio as it was meant to be!

Enjoy this great hobby by getting or upgrading your license and learning to head copy code with the proven morseDX method — by far the fastest way to learn.

The morseDX FCC license program has been developed for an easy path to the license classes of your choice. It does not cover any material that is not explicitly on the current FCC tests. The idea is to get you on the air as soon as possible — you can learn as much theory and practice as you want after you have your license — from books, videos, and your local ham community.

And if you want to really enjoy this great hobby, learn Morse code. The morseDX program is unique and markedly different from conventional code training methods. It steers away from the classical paper-and-pencil approaches that begin at slow code rates by design. It starts out with your learning to form words and sentences in your head — from spoken English characters.

In the course of everyday conversations, do you write down what you just heard and then read it right back? Of course not. Yet that is precisely what standard Morse code lessons have you do. So it’s no wonder that you never develop the ability to instantly decode words and sentences in your head.

This site takes a much more effective approach. First you learn to form words and sentences in your head from spoken English letters and numbers, not in Morse code. Initially  most individuals find that it’s not very easy to do this. But with training they soon find they can understand complete sentences and paragraphs spelled out in English.

And then, at your own pace, you substitute selected spoken English characters with dits and dahs.  Eventually all letters and numbers are replaced by Morse code and from that moment on you can head-copy any message!

The apps on this site feature material developed over the past decade and are designed for all levels of code expertise — from absolute beginners to experienced operators. They will enable you to learn to head-copy at 15-30 words per minute, the range of most Morse code used on the ham bands.

Everything runs on your device’s browser so there is no software to install. And you can capture all your live lessons on a USB stick or CD/DVD for off-line learning when at locations with no Internet access.

The number of apps is constantly expanding thanks to subscribers’ suggestions and currently include

  • Letters and numbers
  • Common words
  • Sentences
  • Hollywood film lines
  • Q-Signals
  • Complete books and novels
  • My Text (Use your own training material!)
  • Code Drill

A template for a learning schedule that you can adapt to your preferences is included in the Boot Camp section.

Keep in mind that learning to receive with perfect Morse code makes your brain sensitive to any fist irregularities, including your own. So learning to receive with morseDX will directly effect how well your sending fist will develop.

The instructions include a section on how to use morseDX for sleep learning, which is conceivable with morseDX’s aural pairing of Morse code with voiced characters.  You might want to try it as an experimental addition to your everyday code practice. Sleep learning might work for you!

Subscribe today at no risk and start preparing for whatever contesting and rag chewing challenges lie ahead. You won’t be charged until after the trial period. And you can cancel anytime.

Note:  There are absolutely no ads, gimcracks or doodads to distract you as you’re learning!
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